Monday, May 09, 2005

Homer meets quantum physics (a love story)

Remember Penelope waiting for Odysseus as he battled stormy seas, sirens and witches, all on account of a peevish pantheon? Imagine if Odysseus had been afflicted with Chrono-Displacement Disorder, a genetic disorder which periodically and without warning transports a person to his past or future. What fun the gods would have had with the Greek hero and with his faithful wife Penelope as she waited for him to return to her, not always safely, and learned to live with and accept his spontaneous disappearances. Such is the fate of Henry and Clare in Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife. The book has been around long enough for talk of a movie to circulate. Read the novel first. Despite the time-travelling element, it's a down-to-earth love story with engaging, likeable characters.


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