Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Half-term birthday

It's half-term break yet again in the West Midlands. Kassie is on to her second week and enjoying every minute of it: tripping down to London (check out below one of the seahorses we met at the London Zoo on the weekend), playing with friends, visiting the park, eating lunch out, even showing Mummy up at swim class. Kassie turned eight yesterday and thinks it only right and proper that she not attend school on her birthday. If we end up returning to Canada, which doesn't give pupils time off during the school year, preferring they store days up for summer, she'll be in for a shock.



At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jean. I keep up with your blog and it sounds like you are having lots of fun over there in England - the place I wish I was. Can I ask you a question? What did you go to university for? I've been wanting to write the last couple years, and as you are a writer, I just wondered. Take care! And I hope you don't move before I get to visit!!!!

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Courtney

You have amazing timing! You'd better visit soon because today it's official—John has chosen not to renew his contract, which means we'll be coming back sometime in the next few months, probably September so as to get Kassie nicely settled into school. Do you have any plans for the summer?

I thought you were thinking of teachers' college at UofT? My degree is an Honours Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature, and I don't believe it has a lot to do with the direction my career has taken. Job experience is responsible for that. However, people figure if you have an English degree your writing must be good.

Seriously think about visiting soon. Houses take a little while to sell over here so you're clear for the next couple of months. I hear there are some very good deals to Manchester.

Fondly, Jeanne

At 12:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like I'll be staying in a hotel next time I travel abroad. It just isn't possible for me to get there before you move. Oh well. Would have been fun. And I am going to teachers college at U of T. Then I might be moving around the globe like you did! There's talk of out west in Canada or Prague in the Czech Republic. I might be coming to you for advice on living in foreign lands. Talk to you soon....

At 7:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'd vote for a foreign posting myself. We loved Prague, although it doesn't hold a candle to Budapest. Keep me posted. Jn


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