Thursday, April 27, 2006

Shelving the dictionary

My daughter hates using a dictionary, whether it's the Oxford Concise, Websters or Larousse's. Since Firefox and the nifty search form field you can customize yourself, I've been doing a lot of my research online, and I don't mean merely googling.

I've added Merriam-Websters to my search box now, along with The Free Dictionary and, of course, Wikipedia. It takes a lot more time and effort to pull my dog-eared Oxford down from the bookshelf than to type a few words into a browser window. Plus the online dictionaries allow me to access antiquated words and jargon as well—and to check origin, very important when you write historicals.

Kassie doesn't have her own computer and she's not getting one for a few years yet. When she does I wonder whether I'll show her the wonders of technology and confess that Mommy's much-loved dictionary is gathering dust.


At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been using for the last couple of years and only ever use the paper dictionary if I'm in the living room (where my computer isn't but a dictionary is) and need to look up a word. I hadn't thought of adding wikipedia to my Firefox search box though. Thanks for the tip :)

How did we ever manage before the Internet?

At 2:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

It's hard to imagine life without the Internet, to be sure.

I'm glad, too, that as a parent I don't have to invest in a set of encyclopedias to clutter up the bookshelves.

At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that I agree on the encyclopeida front. There's nothing quite like a proper book and encyclopedias are made for browsing whilst curled up on the sofa with a glass of rose wine (or whatever your preference happens to be) don't you think? Not that I'm suggesting your daughter should drink wine, but I do have a thing about proper books being available to the children.

I was quite thrilled a few weeks ago when my 17 year old's friend stayed for the weekend and spent a couple of hours just browsing our bookshelves and quoting bits from our own text books to us. "Wow! Did you know that a female ferret dies if it comes into heat and can't find a mate?" It was such fun to see a young person enthuse over knowledge.

At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! That first spelling of encyclopedia was awful! I can spell it properly. Really, I can :)

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'll keep your comment in mind, Sharon. Kassie would probably enjoy perusing with a glass of milk in hand.


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