Saturday, January 12, 2008

Where, oh where...

...has our blue box gone? Oh where, oh where can it be?

This question has plagued us the last few days, as it has our neighbours and several of our friends and family living in the vicinity who also recently lost their blue boxes. Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning we were visited by 95km/hour winds. Trucks on highways were overturned, Christmas trees left abandoned on the kerbside reportedly became dangerous projectiles, air travellers experienced hither-to unknown air turbulence, fallen trees flattened cars, and pedestrians had trouble crossing city streets. It was wild!

Obviously we got off easily.

Especially as our blue box turned up today.


At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is the wind? It's -45 out here, and everyone is bitter about the painful cold...

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I heard on the news and shuddered to think of you taking the dogs out for a walk. Or is it too cold for even a canine constitutional?

At 2:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the dogs, it's far too cold for constitutionals. According to the humans who love them, sometimes a puppy's gotta do what a puppy's gotta do.

Hence socks, biscuits of bribery, and lots of praising (for all of us, for heading out in the wretched weather).

At 11:11 PM, Blogger thefoxyone said...

Oh where oh where have you gone?!
Hope you're doing well!!


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