Tuesday, October 23, 2007

"Is it a Prime Minister, Mommy?"

At first it was funny. Now, as with most things children find amusing, it has worn a little thin.

Last weekend Kassie and I emerged from the house around mid-afternoon for a stroll down to the local village. A tall, white-haired man glanced up as we tripped down the front walk. We fell into step behind him, followed him just a few feet, when he turned around to gallantly clear the way for us, remarking that he is a rather slow walker these days. I was in the midst of stuffing my face with a snack and only managed an incoherent "thank you". The truth is my mind stumbled over how to properly address the gentleman. Should I have said: "Thank you, Mr. Mulroney"? Perhaps "Thank you, Former Prime Minister Mulroney"? Or simply "Thank you, sir"?

Of course, about half a block later (and after finally swallowing the tasteless lump in my mouth), I explained to Kassie that we had just been gently prodded along the neighbourhood path by none other than Brian Mulroney (and father of the host of Canadian Idol—after all, the kid is ten years old). She was suitably impressed and amazed.

However, all week long while walking to and from school, she sent me sidelong glances as we passed older gentlemen walking alone, before posing the question, "Is it a Prime Minister, Mommy?"


At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bless you for being polite. Mulroney has never been a favorite of mine (give me Jean--actually, give me the a$$-kicking Mrs. Chretien: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aline_Chr%C3%A9tien).

As an embittered Albertan still stinging from the stupid GST (lol, westerners are tried in true in our ability to hold grudges. I still see bumper stickers with "tax this, Brian" written along a picture of the middle-finger salute), I would have used his age against him and rifled through his pockets, looking for my GST change--then I would have taken him to task for the stupid Free Trade Agreement...

At 12:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Calm down, my irate Albertan. I'm glad you weren't with us. The poor man!

Seriously, I wonder how many people stop him while he's out enjoying a Sunday walk to talk politics. Hopefully few.


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