Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mika and the Pussycat Dolls

Recently I caught on to Mika. Somehow the files destined for my MP3 cell phone found their way to my daughter's Ipod. At first she protested: "What's this music?" "Is it Mommy's?" As in, yuck, gross. Then, a little later: "Lollipop...hmmm. Grace Kelly. I like it!"


Otherwise I am oblivious to what she listens to...I have no objections to her bonding with her father over music. Fortunately, they are content to leave me, with some exceptions, blissfully stuck in the eighties.

However, recently I became enamoured of the Pussycat Dolls' Buttonz tune. Kassie had a friend over. At supper, seated around the butcher's block in the kitchen, hungrily consuming chicken nuggets and french fries (sometimes nutrition gets tossed out the window), they decided to play the same tune on their Ipods at precisely the same instant. Get, ready, get set, go. Then they proceeded to sing along, both of them off-key, until they dissolved into a fit of laughter.

Kids are kute.


At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the PCD. Their music is like a virus. Gets into your bloodstream and before you know it, you're humming/singing along with 31, I'm not sure what half of it means.

Not that it matters. When I'm feeling particularly feminist (oh dear, I can hear Gloria Steinem groaning), I put on Gretchen Wilson's "Red Neck Woman" and the PCD "I Don't Need a Man" (though that's not really true. If it wasn't for my husband, I'd die of starvation and locked in my study so the big, bad "insert insect name here" didn't get me) well as the classics like Beyonce, Destiny's Child and Pink.

At 2:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You and Kassie would get along famously!


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